Thursday, December 09, 2004

Second Day Off

I guess since my last post was titled first day off and this one is second day off that means it's been a week since I posted. The days don't mean anything here. One is just like the next. I knew it had been a few days since I posted last but I didn't realize it was a week. I guess time flys when you're liberating a country. Let's see what happened this past week.

Yesterday LT Hook Me Up got everyone's room numbers so they could start running the cat 5 cable to the trailers for our internet access. I can't wait for that. I'll be able to post a lot more then. I also got three packages this week.

One from my wife and kids and some friends back home, one from my mother-in-law, and one from my Mom and Dad and sisters and some friends where I grew up. It was great to get these.

My wife and kids sent Christmas presents that are numbered. They go along with the 12 days of Christmas. Each day I get to open one present until Christmas, then my kids sent me a few presents I can't open until Christmas day. There is also a list that goes along with the presents. They picked the Lord of the Rings as a theme. The first two gifts are called Tree Beard and Tree Beards jewelry. Using my keen analytical skills and judging by the shape of the boxes I'm guessing the first two are a small Christmas tree and some ornaments. Honestly I haven't even had enough time to look at the rest of the clues to guess what they are. I think I'll look at the later today.

My parents and family sent me all the snacks and junk food you could want. In fact I didn't even go to dinner last night. Instead I ate cashews, honey roasted peanuts and my all time favorite "Monster Cookies" If you haven't had monster cookies they go a little bit like this. About 50 pounds of peanut butter, a small wheel barrow load of butter, oatmeal, and M&Ms. There's probably more to it than that but I've never actually made them. I have, however, eaten more than my share over the course of my life so far.

My Mother-in-law sent me a box with a stocking and nuts in it. When I say a box of nuts I don't mean a box of nuts. I mean a BOX of nuts. There's probably 10 pounds or more of assorted nuts. She also sent a nut cracker. So we have a box of nuts sitting in our room and we eat a few here and there. You know the typical story about mother-in-laws, but I got lucky. She's a great woman and I'm glad to have her. Even though I'm not supposed to peak I saw in the stocking a copy of the movie "It's a Wonderful LIfe". I'm glad she sent it because I don't think I can remember a Christmas where I didn't watch it. It's one of those stupid little qwirks that don't really mean anything but it's just one little unexplainable piece of home I'm glad to have. It was very thoughtful, thank you.

Usually my room mate comes and picks me up at the end of my shift to go eat dinner. Last night he didn't show up. It wasn't too odd because there are days he works late. So I walked home with the plan of Monster cookies for dinner in my head. It got to be about 9:00 p.m. and he still wasn't there. I had to go to the supply guys to get some stuff and they asked me if I heard about my room mate. When some one in a war asks you if you heard what happened to your room mate that usually means about a week later there's a building named after them somewhere on camp. This sort of freaked me out at first but this is what happened. His back had been bothering him since we got here. He went to sick call a few times but all they did was give him motrin. Well, yesterday when he woke up he couldn't move. I had already left for work so all he could do was yell and throw things at the wall whenever he heard people walking by. I guess this went on for a couple of hours until someone heard him. They had to get the ambulance to take him to the TMC (Troop Medical Center). So at about 9:00 I walked down to the TMC to see if he needed anything. He was asleep so I went home. AT about 6:00 this morning he knocked on the door, I guess he forgot his keys, and got some clothes. They're going to take him to a hospital we have set up somewhere else in Iraq for an MRI. I hope he's O.K.

Well, I'm going to go enjoy my day off. Everything here is fine. Contrary to a rumor that I understand is going around I don't believe our camp was bombed last week. My wife said she heard that. If it was I must have missed it. But I think you would notice something like that.

I'll leave you with a few thoughts from Murphy's Law of Warfare.

Friendly fire isn't

The cost of a weapon has a direct correlation to how far away you have to send it to get fixed.

Field experience is something you don't get until ten minutes after you needed it.

stay tuned for more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying your packages. We enjoyed sending them. We will be praying for your roommate.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying your care package and that you are sharing with other guys. I know they are enjoying that too. Hope all is well for your roommate. TM

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, cookies are my FAVORITE I was I have to go fight in a war to get some of those monster cookies? They sound soooo good. Mike got a permit for the Grand Canyon for April. He says he's gonna try it again (maybe-depending on how the weekend goes) after you come home so you can go with him the next time. Everyone's missin' ya! Take care, M. Pads Coach

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that rumor of your camp being bombed was false as far as you know. Hope your roomate will be ok, we will definitely be praying for him. Things are crazy busy around here lately (preparing for the Christmas musical)Your daughter is doing awesome on her solo. I can't wait for everyone else to hear her precious & beautiful little voice. We will be sure to send you a copy. Until next time, Vaya con Dios SCM

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The AV dept. has already made plans to send you the videos of several things. Hope the technical stuff doesn't spoil the plans. DP is our video editor now that you are excused from it. When I hear the Spiraling song I always picture the scene with the other DP and the palm tree. Still a very cool scene. Or the Switchfoot song and TC bopping in the car. Great stuff!! I am so glad the package arrived. Days before we expected it to!! I fixed up a card to send to you but stupid me lost it. If you get it, thank you to whomever found it and mailed it off. I had it sealed, addressed and stamped. Lost it between church and home. If you don't get it, I'll send another one. Keep us updated on your roommate. You know how we like to include people in the family. Hugs & Prayers! CnH

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Just got back from the FNL convention in FLA. While it was a fun time, the only thing I could think of when someone asked me my impression of the show was that it was good, but should have been great because you were supposed to be there too.


8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monster cookies - reminds me of my own favorite childhood treat...affectionately named "dump cookies". I think I'm gonna go call my mom now...

5:41 PM  

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