I kept getting spam comments on my blog so I had to turn on Word Verification for the comments section. I should just add a small step to leaving a comment but I think it'll be worth it.
Would words from your mother be considered spam?? Not these days anyway. I'm not in the lightning round, but you look very ill in the first picture, I feel very ill in the second, and soon this all will be buried and gone in the last picture. PTL zm
I am an Individual Ready Reserve soldier recalled to the Army to support Operation Iraqi Freedom after being out for over four years. This website is my attempt to keep my family and friends up to date on what's happening in my life. This website is not affiliated with the United States Army or any other organization. The entire content is based only on my own personal experiences and nothing else. Since we are on the topic of disclaimers I should mention smoking is bad for your health.
Would words from your mother be considered spam?? Not these days anyway. I'm not in the lightning round, but you look very ill in the first picture, I feel very ill in the second, and soon this all will be buried and gone in the last picture. PTL zm
What!? We can't see the advertisement for the Hypersonic Nasal Spray or the Army's Nonsensical Protocol Manual. Man. . . no fun! CnH
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