FOB Mahmudiah
My time at FOB Mahmudiah has been great so far. It's like what I thought war would be like with all the tents and no amenities. Believe it or not it's been the best time I've had so far. There is one stiking discovery we made today though. Before we showed up the place was all Marines. Well, they have a contract with the people that come in and do the laundry. The contract is with the Marines only though. We went to take our laundry today and were greated by the soup Nazi from the Seinfeld show. Only he was shorter and arab, and he doesn't make soup. He does laundry. He said, in his broken english, "No laundry for you!". When questioned further his response was a firm but afraid "No laundry for you!" Appearantely his repertoire was exhausted, and he is afraid of angry Americans with guns. So we did what any kind hearted soldier liberating someone elses country would do, We put our laundry bags down and locked and loaded on him. No, we didn't, but that would have been a great picture. You know how when you buy a used car from someone it's used for them but just like new for you. I wonder if the same holds true for underwear? Anyway, I hope they figure something out. I did the math and I could only change my uniform every 11 days, my shirt every 6 days, and my underwear and socks every 4.2 days to make it to the end with a full bag of dirty laundry and a fully used uniform on my stinky body when we left here. Doable? Yes. Desirable? No. Oh yeah, the contract for the water to be trucked in for the showers, same story. That one should be worked out though.
In other news, I love it here. It's more the work environment than the setting. I'm really contributing to the war effort here and I'm much happier. I've taken pictures but they don't let you upload stuff here. I'll have to go to the pay side and upload some pictures soon. Did I tell you about the Snickers bars here? The Snickers here are the best Snickers I've ever eaten. We think it's because of the high fat content in the dairy products they use here. The unanimous conclusion is that Middle Eastern Snickers could beat the crap out of the North American Snickers with one creamy nouget tied behind it's back. mmmm Snickers.
Alright, I'll post again as soon as I get a chance. It sure was convienient when I had internet access in my room. The trade off in level of satisfaction is worth it though.